John Cameron Mitchell‘s controversial queer classic Shortbus explores the lives of several emotionally challenged characters as they navigate the comic and tragic intersections between love and sex in and around a modern-day underground salon. It also features scenes of unabashed, completely unsimulated sex – which causes quite a stir when the film was first released.
A sex therapist who has never had an orgasm, a dominatrix who is unable to connect, a gay couple who are deciding whether to open up their relationship and the people who weave in and out of their lives all converge on a weekly gathering – a mad nexus of art, music, politics, and polysexual carnality. Set in a post-9/11, Bush-exhausted New York City, Shortbus tells its story with sexual frankness, suggesting new ways to reconcile questions of the mind, pleasures of the flesh and imperatives of the heart.
Finally available on both DVD and Blu-ray after a long time out of print (and, in some cases, totally banned), Oscilloscope Laboratories has rescued and restored this unprecedented gay classic. This new special edition is packed with special features, including deleted scenes, multiple audio commentaries, behind-the-scenes footage, documentaries, interviews and more.
Watch the trailer for Oscilliscope’s gorgeous new restoration below and click here to pre-order your copy of Shortbus. The film will be available on DVD and Blu-ray at TLAgay beginning August 2nd.