New Exclusive: The Daydreamer’s Notebook

Michael J. Saul, the same wildly versatile gay filmmaker behind The Surface, Crush, Scenes of Inquiry, Adults Only, True Love and Go Go Reject, has a new collection coming soon to DVD – a TLA Exclusive. An anthology of seven short, experimental films from prolific artist, The Daydreamer’s Notebook reflects the filmmaker’s obsession with daydreaming in the work he’s created over the past 40 years.


This absolutely gorgeous compilation showcases some of his most beautiful experimental work. This collection contains his short films Nightcrawler, Euphoria, Cons, Idol, Boat 14, Subterranea and The Cipher and the Boar, for which there is behind-the-scenes footage included. It also features informative and moving narration from Michael himself, who reflects on his work and it’s biographical aspects.

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