After a prolonged disappearence, Adam (Beau Swartz) reluctantly returns to sex work. Following the urge to protect a young aspiring adult film star, Lucy (Keiva Bradley), from their terrorizing handler, Felix (Francisco Antonio), Adam’s actions trigger a series of events that send violent ripples through the Los Angeles underground sex-trade.
Featuring supporting performances from Jonathan Miller, Ryan Ruffing, Joe Garcia and Tara Emerson, this provocative, gritty drama is a true hustler’s odyssey. Based on his short film of the same name, Adam in Fragments is the newest film from Omar Salas Zamora, the filmmaker behind Here Comes Your Man and Nothing But Flowers. This time, he is co-directing along with Here Comes Your Man lead actor Calvin Picou.
Watch the trailer for Adam in Fragments below and click here to order your copy. The film is now available on DVD at TLAgay!