Gregory (Petrice Jones), a gifted working-class teenager from Paramin, a village located on one of the highest points of Trinidad, stars in a stage play that brings him to the attention of James (Gareth Jenkins), an affluent businessman. The two men strike up an uncanny friendship as James takes Greg under his wing, pushing him to discover himself professional, creatively, and intimately. Confused, Greg must at once deal with the return of his drug-addicted father, and navigate through the early days of adulthood. As Carnival Monday approaches and the locals prepare for the annual male initiation parade, Greg must confront James – an act which will culminate in life-changing events.
A self-taught filmmaker from the island of New Providence in The Bahamas, Play the Devil writer/director Maria Govan began her cinematic journey at the age of eighteen when she moved to Los Angeles to work on big Hollywood sets. Over a decade of hands-on work laid the foundation for her craft and she began writing her first narrative film Rain, which eventually premiered at the prestigious Toronto International Film Festival and was then licensed to Showtime Networks. Play the Devil was shot entirely in Trinidad in the spring of 2015. Govan is currently in development of her next film projects, My Life in a Dojo and Epiphany.
Check out the trailer for Play the Devil below and click here to pre-order your copy. It comes to DVD and VOD in May, courtesy of Breaking Glass Pictures.