On the outskirts of Brooklyn, Frankie, an aimless teenager, suffocates under the oppressive glare cast by his family and a toxic group of delinquent friends. Struggling with his own identity, Frankie begins to scour hookup sites for older men. When his chatting and webcamming intensify, he begins meeting men at a nearby cruising beach while simultaneously entering into a cautious relationship with a young woman. As Frankie struggles to reconcile his competing desires, his decisions leave him hurtling toward irreparable consequences. Eliza Hittman’s award-winning Sundance Film Festival hit is a powerful character study that is as visually stunning as it is evocative.


Starring Harris Dickinson in a sensational breakout role, Beach Rats has been garnering awards and great acclaimed at festivals around the world. It’s coming to select US cinemas in late August. Check out the trailer below.


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