In a quirky, small town, situated in the outskirts of everything, 14-year-old Martin (Villads Boye) is getting ready for one of the most formal transitions from boy to man; the communion. It’s 1976, music’s in the air and hormones are blossoming. But in the midst of it all Martin’s mother suddenly passes away and her tragic death triggers a series of events that not only changes Martin’s life forever, but also affects everyone else in the local community. An intense, humorous and evocative story about how life and death demands a transition in us all.
From Niels Arden Oplev, the director behind The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Speedwalking has a little bit of everything. It’s a charming coming-of-age comedy, a pitch-perfect period piece, a family drama and a sweet-natured puppy love romance all rolled into.