An infectiously fun and totally queer TV series from Australian filmmaker Lee Galea (the director of Monster Pies), Single, Out follows the romantic adventures of cute-as-a-button twink Adam (Will Hutchins), a teen exploring his love life and new gay world along with his semi-helpful family and friends.
In Single, Out: Season Two, Adam finds his relationship with Gabe (Jake Hyde) progressing to the next level – but there may be some unresolved issues still lingering. Adam also explores his passion for photography. It soon takes him into the world of adulthood and introduces a whirlwind of fresh faces and experiences.
Now out and proud, Adam is well on his way to becoming a man… but will he like the man he’s becoming?
Watch the trailer for Single, Out: Season Two below and click here to order your copy. Both seasons are now available on DVD at TLAgay!