In 2014, film student David Wagner stumbled across an article about Charles Eismayer in an Austrian newspaper and found himself immediately captivated by the story. The most terrifying training officer in the Austrian Armed Forces fell in love with a recruit, eventually accepting his proposal and marrying him in full dress uniform in the barracks courtyard. The seed of inspiration was planted for his first feature-length film.
Sergeant Eismayer (Gerhard Liebmann) is known and feared as the toughest training officer in the Austrian military. He is ruthless with his recruits and unwavering in his discipline, order and macho toughness. But when he starts to fall in love with Falak (Luka Dimic), a new recruit who unashamedly embraces his homosexuality, Eismayer’s closeted existence is shaken to the core.
To a man like Eismayer, loving another man cannot be reconciled with the understanding of what a model soldier should be. Will he choose to protect his badass tough guy image over all else, or can he follow his heart and his true desire?
Inspired by an amazing true story, Eismayer is a hard-hitting queer coming of age love story with a modern military backdrop.
Watch the trailer for Eismayer below and click here to pre-order your copy. The film will be available on DVD starting October 17th at TLAgay.