Mark (writer-director Mark Blane), the protagonist and anti-hero of the new dark comedy Cubby, is a misanthropic 26-year-old gay man who has been living in his mother’s garage in Indiana. An illustrator who works almost exclusively on sexually explicit-and BDSM-themed-artwork, Mark is stuck in a state of arrested development. He’s pretty much the last person you would expect to find a job working with children… but that’s exactly what happens. When he lies about getting a job opportunity in New York City, he ends up taking a rel job babysitting for 6-year-old Milo (Joseph Seuffert), a new best friend who fully accepts Mark, but does little to help him meet the challenges of everyday life.
Falling behind on rent, and running out of anti-anxiety pills, Mark finally discovers the inspiration he needs, in the form of an imaginary-friend-superhero named Leather-Man (Christian Patrick), who appears to him with the help of a psychedelic cupcake. As a sexy metaphor for discipline and control, Leather-Man helps Mark onto the path for success, but not before Mark’s babysitting adventures turn from empowering, to risky and ultimately transformative.