In a faraway future, on a wild and untamed female-inhabited planet called After Blue, a lonely teenager named Roxy (Paula Luna) unknowingly releases a mystical, dangerous and sensual assassin from her prison.
Roxy and her mother Zora (Elina Lowensohn) are held accountable, banished from their community and tasked with tracking down the murderer named Kate Bush (not that Kate Bush, although she’s definitely having a moment).
Haunted by the spirits of her murdered friends, Roxy sets out on a long and strange journey across the supernatural territories of this filthy paradise.
The newest vision from Bertrand Mandico (The Wild Boys), After Blue (Dirty Paradise) plays like a lesbian El Topo in space – along with stunning 35mm in-camera practical effects, otherworldly set pieces and a dazzling score by Pierre Desprats.
Watch the electrifying new trailer for After Blue (Dirty Paradise) below and click here to order your copy. The film is now available on DVD and Blu-ray at TLAgay.