Over the course of three films, The Falls Trilogy follows two Mormon missionaries (played by the adorable, charismatic pair of Nick Ferrucci and Benjamin Farmer) who fall unexpectedly in love and end up risking their futures in the Church to be together. Mixing heartwarming romance, high drama and unexpected moments of levity to deliver a powerful message, this must-see series is as engrossing and emotional as it is inspiring.
Breaking Glass Pictures has released a new, three-disc special edition – The Falls: The Complete Trilogy. All three installments – The Falls, The Falls: Testament of Love and The Falls: Covenant of Grace – are also now available to stream or download at TLAgay!
We can’t recommend this series more highly. It hits your in all the emotional sweet-spots. We have some info about each film below, along with trailers and a photo gallery. Click here to dive into the series!