Arrow Films is releasing the grisly 1989 thriller Cold Light of Day in a brand-new, digitally-remastered special edition Blu-ray

February, 1983. Detectives are called to a residential address in the London suburbs following reports that the drains have been clogged by human remains. One of the property’s residents, Dennis Nilsen – a mild-mannered and unassuming civil servant – is brought in for questioning, leading to the discovery of one of the most shocking and disturbing cases of serial murder ever to rock Britain.

Offering a grim and gritty retelling of the story of Nilsen, often dubbed the British Jeffery Dahmer, 1989’s Cold Light of Day stars Bob Flag as Nilsen-cipher Jorden March, delivering one of the most chilling and credible portrayals of a serial killer ever committed to screen. From writer-director Fhiona-LouiseCold Light of Day – which picked up the UCCA Venticitta Award at the 1990 Venice International Film Festival – is a hugely under-seen and underrated British effort that can stand proudly alongside the likes of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer as one of the most unflinching and disturbing true-crime films of all time.


The film is being re-released by Arrow Video, a leading restorer and theatrical distributor of classic and cult/horror films, in a new digitally-remastered special edition Blu-ray. Bonus features include a reversible sleeve featuring original and newly-commissioned artwork by Gilles Vranckx, a limited edition collector’s booklet featuring new writing on the film by Jo Botting, two short films starring Cold Light of Day director Fhiona-Louise and photographed by Star Wars DP David Tattershall, newly-filmed interviews with actors Martin Byrne-Quinn and Steve Munroe, new audio commentary with film historians/writers Dean Brandum and Andrew Nette Brand and writer/director Fhiona-Louise and much, much more.


Check out the chilling cover for the Cold Light of Day Blu-ray below and click here to pre-order your copy. It’s coming out on October 27th, just in time for Halloween.


Throwback Thursday: Cruising

The cinema scene of the late 1970s and early 80s had endured something of an assault by Hollywood-inflamed homophobia (see mostly forgotten films like The Choirboys, Windows and Partners for examples… or don’t).

In hindsight, it makes total sense that William Friedkin’s Cruising – based on the synopsis alone and a perfectly reasonable concern for how the LGBT community would be depicted – inspired picketing and boycotts before it was even completed. The story of a sexually-confused serial killer picking off promiscuous, leather-clad hunks – not to mention a straight police officer whose mere exposure to gay nightlife leads to what could be interpreted by the uninformed masses as a potential “conversion” – didn’t sit well with activists of the day (even helmed, for better or worse, by the guy who brought The Boys in the Band to the big screen).

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