Coming Soon: The Neighbor
From Italian director Pasquale Marrazzo, The Neighbor tells the intense story of Riki and Luca, two young men in search of meaning who find answers in their powerful love for one another.
Their romance evolves from a harrowing incident they experience together. Following this life-altering event, nothing remains the same, and the love between the two men becomes a catalyst for exposing the deep-rooted hatred and intolerance felt towards their relationship – both by vicious outsiders and their own families.
This gripping drama, which garnered strong reviews from various film festivals, showcases exceptional performances by Michelle Costabile and Jacopo Costantini as the two leads, accompanied by an evocative score from acclaimed Italian composer Teho Teardo.
The Neighbor is a compelling and thought-provoking film that highlights the power of love and acceptance. Watch the trailer below and click here to pre-order your copy. The film will be available on DVD starting June 20th.