Lorenzo (Angelo Mutti Spinetta), a quiet teenager, lives in a small town at the edge of the world in beautiful Patagonia. He’s a good student, a curious and smart person more skilled in music and literature than in sports. His home life takes an unexpected turn when Lorenzo’s father decides to offer a temporary home to Caito (Lautaro Rodriguez), the son of a friend from Buenos Aires who has been hospitalized. Caito, who comes from a different family background, is a seemingly tough kid. Lorenzo finds himself intrigued by Caito and the two boys start spending a lot of time together. But while their friendship evolves toward deeper feelings, Caito reveals a secret… the real reason why he was forced to leave home.
Winner of the Cannes Cinephile’s Grand Prix, My Best Friend is a moving coming-of-age romance. Check out the trailer along with an extensive photo gallery below and make sure to click here to watch the film. It’s now available on-demand at TLAgay.com!