Postcards From London tells the story of a beautiful teenager named Jim (Beach Rats star Harris Dickinson) who, having traveled from the suburbs, finds himself in Soho where he falls in with The Raconteurs – a gang of unusual high class male escorts who specialize in post-coital conversation.


From shy novice to highly sought-after escort (and, eventually, artist’s muse), Jim would be the toast of the town if it wasn’t for his annoying affliction. He suffers from Stendhal Syndrome, a rare condition which causes him to hallucinate and faint when he encounters real works of art. But when Jim is roped into the world of detecting art forgery, could his condition bring about his downfall?


Featuring a gorgeous young cast and colorful, eye-catching visuals, this electric new film from writer-director Steve McLean pays homage to Derek Jarman and proves captivating in more ways than one. Check out the trailer for Postcards from London below and click here to pre-order your copy. It’s coming to DVD in January.


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