A gay-themed animated short film created by two students, In a Heartbeat has quickly become a viral internet sensation. The film, which follows a gay middle-school crush, has attracted over 15 million views on YouTube only days after it was first posted.
The filmmakers, Beth David and Esteban Bravo made the short film as their senior thesis project while attending the Ringling College of Art and Design, where they recently graduated, in Sarasota, Florida. A true labour of love that took about 18 months to complete – with the help of a popular Kickstarter campaign and an unavoidable journey to Los Angeles – the filmmakers quickly realized the film’s potential.
Though it isn’t the first animated children’s story to include gay characters, it’s still an area of entertainment that is rarely seen and the recent online reception makes clear that people are interested.
Check out this heartfelt, truly impressive work below.