The first two seasons of Wallflowers, a comedy series by filmmaker Kieran Turner (director of acclaimed documentary Jobriath A.D.), are out this week in a Special Edition release from Dekkoo Films. Set in the cruelly comedic dating world of New York City, Wallflowers details the disastrous romantic exploits of a tight knit group of Gen-X stragglers coping with the ecstasy and the agony of single life – as members of a Manhattan support group for the hopelessly single.


The show features an impressive, talented cast of NYC-based theater and film actors, including Chad Kimball (Tony Nominated for Broadway’s “Memphis”), Sarah Saltzberg (creator and star of Broadway’s hit musical “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”), Gideon Glick (Broadway’s “Spring Awakening” & “Spider Man: Turn Off The Dark”), Gibson Frazier (Man of the Century), and Marcia DeBonis (That’s What She SaidThe Truman ShowWhatever Works).


“I was lucky to work with an extremely talented group of theatre actors to tell this story of 30-something’s struggling romantically in NYC,” said Turner. “This was the final generation of single men and women to come of age before the internet completely took over every single facet of life – when you actually had to put yourself out there, face-to-face, in order to make a personal, emotional, and romantic connection. I’m hoping our series seems true to life to viewers and gives us the chance to both laugh at ourselves, and hopefully feel better about that leaky vessel many of us are currently sailing into middle age.”


Check out an exclusive clip from Wallflowers below, courtesy of Dekkoo Films, and click here to order your copy!


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